Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Nutty Butter-Cream Frosted Cake

This is my fast and quick version of a cake that was only served on special occasions when I was growing up. The original was store bought from a local company and its no longer readily available. So I came up with my own version of this cake. It is less than 30 minutes of work and you can have a cake nice enough to serve to company. The hard part is letting the cake sit overnight or for a few hours so that it reaches its maximum flavor.


  • 1 box of yellow cake mix
  • 1 can of butter-cream frosting
  • 1 1/2 cups of finely chopped pecans


  1. Use two 8 inch round pans. Spray with nonstick spray.
  2. Prepare and bake the cakes according to the package directions.
  3. Finely chopped the pecans. If you use a food processor, careful chop using the pulse mode or you might end up with pecan butter. The pecans should be small like bread crumbs.
  4. Cut 2 pieces of wax paper a little wider than 1/2 of the size of the serving dish you are using and overlap at the center of the dish. This will help keep the dish neat and presentable.
  5. Using a spatula, thoroughly mix the frosting in the can.
  6. (OPTIONAL) reserve about a 1/3 cup of the frosting for decorating.
  7. Place the first cake on the top of the wax paper and frost the center.
  8. Sprinkle some of the pecans on to the frosting making sure you have covered the entire frosted area.
  9. Place the second cake on top of the first and frost the top and sides. You don't need a lot for the sides.
  10. Using your hands press the pecans onto the side of the cake. It will get a little messy, but its worth the effort. Make sure the sides are thoroughly covered with the nuts.
  11. Using a wide flat spatula, carefully lift one side of the cake off the wax paper and slide the wax paper out. Turn the cake and repeat the process to remove the other piece of wax paper. If necessary you can use a silicone brush to brush away any leftover nuts off the dish.
  12. To give the cake a nice eye appeal, take a small Ziploc bag and snip a small opening in one of the corners off and attach a decorating tip if you have it. Otherwise, you will be able to pipe the frosting through the small opening in the bag. Place the reserved frosting in the bag and decorate around the top edge of the cake. Be creative and use up all the frosting.
  13. Now this is this the hard part, the cake tastes best if left to sit overnight. I believe that all the nuts and frosting get a chance to mingle and it really brings out the flavor of the the two. Otherwise, its ready to serve. Enjoy it with a nice cup of green tea or a tall glass of ice cold milk.

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